Today, 3rd October. Well at around midday Linda and Mal went into Galway to be models in a fashion show that Galway charity Cope was putting on. Whilst they were gone, bearing in mind that Lindas parents were down for a few days myself and Sophie went down to another birthday party.
We did not have a present for the kid so sophie suggested that we give €6 because he was six years old, worked for me! Then after the party Sophie wanted to blow up a kids inflatable paddling pool, in the house, worked for me!
Paddling pool, ideal for living in! |
Girls at the kids party. |
We blew it up and she then choose to live in it. Then I headed off to Galway to see Linda and Mal in the fashion show. Linda and Mali were brilliant, they seemed to make the whole thing look effortless even though i know that they were a little nervous before hand. I do not have pics of them on my blackberry, which is by the way how I update nearly all of my pics. But I will have one of the fashion show tomorrow and insert it into the day.
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