Saw Hugo today with the kids and Linda in the cinema. First off, it is worth seeing? Well, yes... if you really like films. As in, if you like the history of films believe it or not. I went into the cinema expecting something like a mechanical Pinochio with magic and lots of CGI animation and drawn characters, like animation. It was none of this, and what is turned out to be was quite good infact.
Have something to say? Please please email me at and let me know what you think...
Sunday, January 29, 2012
2012 - Day 29 - Jan 29 - Hugo
Saw Hugo today with the kids and Linda in the cinema. First off, it is worth seeing? Well, yes... if you really like films. As in, if you like the history of films believe it or not. I went into the cinema expecting something like a mechanical Pinochio with magic and lots of CGI animation and drawn characters, like animation. It was none of this, and what is turned out to be was quite good infact.
2012 - Day 28 - Jan 28 - Modern Warfare finished.
Finally, and amongst some confusion, I finished the single player campaign of Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Thing is I was not expecting to finish is so soon... I had the TV and the xbox 360 moved into the sitting room (where there is a TV of course, but not one good enough for the xbox) and I was actually settled down for the night to play a good few solid hours of MW3 and I looked at my progress that said I was at around 50% through the game and then I began playing... then boom.
2012 - Day 27 - Jan 27 - Friday!
Friday... yippee it is Friday...
No, wait a second, it is not w00t. No, not w00t at all... today is the last day that we will be seeing Wallace and Dee, my (our) American friends. Wallace and Dee are in one way totally normal and but in another way very unique. From the very normal way I mean that as Americans in Ireland they are intelligent, wise, funny, interesting, entertaining and caring. Most if not all Americans that I have ever met are like this, both in America and in Ireland. This is what is normal about them. This is why as a nation I love Americans.
What makes them unique cannot be encapsulated by a boorish word wrangler such as I. Every time I ever spoke to them them both - I felt they were listening. Every time I asked for advice from them I felt they considered what I was saying and answered carefully. They went around their business passively but gave a hundred percent to what they were doing. They are generous (thanks for the lens), good cooks, good hosts, good at so many things this post would begin to turn into some kind of freaky homage to them should I carry on. Basically, they are good people. They are role models.
So we had a nice meal in Cavas with them in Galway city. Myself, Linda and a bunch of friends met up. It was nice. It was tasty.. man was it tasty (side note: if you have never been to Cava's, go there). It was a nice send of.
Wallace and Dee... see you again soon, well, somewhere around "2012 - Day 210".
Thursday, January 26, 2012
2012 - Day 26 - Bail Out :(
Please, leave your comments below... when you have finished crying.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
2012 - Day 25 - Irish website hacked.. lol
Wait a second... what the hell is SOPA? Here is a wiki explanation of what it is:
Basically SOPA is "Stop Online Piracy Act". The Acts aim was to give the American government (it was an American act) the ability to cut off funding of suspect sites, enforce tougher intellectual property law etc. All bad for pirate but also for those people who built the Internet on the philosophy that information should be free.
Well that the were the brave men and women of anonymous come in. I am not sarcastic either, I love them. They speak and are heard when other voices are drown out. Enda Kennys email was hacked too I believe. It is all kinda funny in a way.
2012 - Day 24 - Working on a website :(
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HTML... A scripting language... not a programming language... |
2012 - Day 23 - Karate Kid (not)
2012 - Day 22 - Sunday morning Jog
...not away from her! :)
2012 - Day 21 - Lazy Saturday
... but I am not....
Friday, January 20, 2012
2012 - Day 18
I can't believe that I have done it. it being a bad thing in this case. I missed a karate class because I had work to do :-C so I worked and that sucked. i am not even going to write the work I did - that would give the work meaning in some way and it had no meaning. I did play more with the kids and that's good. but I missed karate
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
2012 - Day 17 - hmmm...
Monday - Karate
Tuesday - Gym
Wednesday - Karate
Thursday - Teacher/Board Games
Friday - Chill
Saturday - Get some house work done
Sunday - Jog/Chill
Thats a week. Those seven little line cover my whole week 1/52th of my WHOLE year in seven lines. Of course there are all the things in between - living life, caring for your family, work, eat, sleep etc. My point is that there are things we do - like I have outlined in the 7 days above - and then there are things we are.
None of the things above tell you really who I am. I could 3 foot tall or 7 foot tall from my seven day description. I could be a sadist or a saint but you could not tell from my seven day description. It tells nothing about who I am, what I like, what I do not like, who I like or dislike.
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This really is not a nice image - why did I put it here? |
But when it comes to judging people, and I do not mean that in a bad or good way, we tend to look at what they do. This can lead to alot of incorrect assumptions about people. I know that they only way we really can judge people is by what they do however. That is why a person should realise, if they want to be judged as close to whom they really are then they should act and do things in a way that represents them the closest.
The fact that I do exercise 4 times a week would outwardly say that I like exercise. Well, to tell the truth - I would prefer to sit on my ass and play computer games. But really I know that if I want to be still playing computer games in 60 years that I have to loose weight today. It is easy to project an image of yourself as being a kind of person. It is harder for you to project an image of who you really are.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
2012 - Day 16 - The Guard
Sunday, January 15, 2012
2012 - Day 15 - Blackwater
Anyway... onto something that is not 100% irrelevant. Ever hear of Blackwater, Xe. If I told you that Blackwater is after you would you be concerned. What if I told you that they are one of the biggest armies in the world and are, I believe, the 3rd biggest private army in the world. Who are their clients? Well Obama for a start. The USA have hired them for example in Iraq and Afghanistan. They do everything from being your private body guard to over throwing a pesky government that is getting in your way. They are primarily a business. Erik Prince, started - well co-founded, Blackwater (at the time the business was not named Blackwater) in 1997.
Now, private armies have always existed. Nothing new there. So why am I pointing out Blackwater, well I can see whole governments not bothering with the expensive business of training an army in the future, it is costly, your sending your boys and girls home in a body bag, no one wants that! People want to sit down, look at Sky television and pay their taxes. Your neighbour bothering you - call up Blackwater. But what happens if your neighbour (neighbour being another country by the way) is using Blackwater too? What does Blackwater do? Conflict of interest! The logical thing is that you would get the next biggest competition that Blackwater has, some other large huge mega massive private army and you get them to kick Blackwaters ass. But remember that this is business, money. It is only a matter of time before this situation arises that two huge private armies will have to battle each other. But what if the accounts for both armies realise that it is more beneficial for their armies to join up and make one huge army and over throw the countries that hired them? Again, remember that this is business.. from a financial point of view this would make since would it not? Take over a whole country yourself, it is what I would do.
I might be sounding crazy when I write that, but it is only logical that the scenario could happen. It is business.
2012 - Day 13
I am writing this on my mobile. It is not actually too bad. So were allowed to kill intruders that come into your home now. Well use justifiable force to stop them. if that results in their death so be it. Do you think a person deserves to die if they break into your home?
Friday, January 13, 2012
2012 - Day 12
2012 - Day 11 - Bruce Lee
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Bruce Lee simply rocked and he kicked ass. |
I was thinking about Bruce Lee - he is the classic in 'Die young and leave a good looking body'. Imagen if he had grown old, what would he be like, I assume he would have made 10 brilliant more films.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
2012 - Day 10 - Comments
But there never is, is there? The worst things in life seem often to happen instantaneously. One second your walking around the place happy as Larry the next second your world is shattered... But with good stuff strangely enough, it seems to take ages. Like, "its a baby boy!" and your like 'ok... I am happy but this took nine months'. Or your house is finished! 'Ok... I am happy with this but THIS took 4 years.'
I'm just rambling now.... I'll stop.
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Sorry Anonymous... your logo is cool. Please don't hurt me... |
Hey you know what, feel free to leave comments... tell me with brutal honesty what you like or dislike about the blog. I would love to hear first hand, I love feedback... Or tell me something that is on your mind... something that bothers you. Something you feel some way about. I don't care what it is, you might not know me and you can leave your comment as Anonymous. This can be your place to say anything... I will comment on it.
(As another side comment, a hacker activists group exist called Anonymous. They rock. The mask above is one of their logos - from V for Vendetta. )
Drop me a line and get something of your chest.
Monday, January 9, 2012
2012 - Day 9 - I'm Old
But onto the title... do you ever feel like you old? Are you old? I don't mean any of this "you're only as old as you feel" lark. I mean... what age are you. I am 35 (hmm... right?). Basically, I am closing in on 40. Funny thing age. You see I am actually very aware of my age. I look at myself in the mirror and I see a 35 year old looking back. I like to realise my age every now and again... when I do I think for a moment. This is my age. I am this old. I am this young. I use these times to accept my lot in life. In alot of cases I have exceeded my own expectations... in alot of cases I have come nowhere near them. I planned to be a millionare by the time I was 30.
I am not a millionaire :)
I would love to own a fantastic BMW or Merc... instead I drive a Fiat Punto that was gifted to me by a fantastically generous aunt. I constantly plan at being better at my job, but life gets in the way of studing... then I get tired... then I wake up and go to work, life, sleep, work, life, sleep....
But I have two kids that I would literally give the world for... never really pictured myself in this situation. I play Modern Warfare 3 on the 360 and I love it... I have of course Linda. My point is this. Every now and again I look at my life and I remind myself how finite it is. And when that happens I like to accept what I have, how I have it. Accept my situation. I don't look at the greener fields next door and go "why not me!". But I know alot of people do. But there is no point.
Of course it would be terrible to not want better for yourself, that is not what I mean.... you should want more and better for yourself all the time, no matter what age. What I am saying is that it is also ok to look at something and realise, well, I won't be doing that ever again, I am too old. There is nothing wrong with getting old. Prepare for it. Plan for it, enjoy it.
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"Get busy living, or get busy dying." - Shawshank Redemption |
When someone asks you your age do you proudly say you real age or give the joke "I am 16! ha ha!" or "I am 25" or "I am just 35!" answer. Well I would advise to enbrace your age. Look at what you have done. Remind yourself that what you have done up to now has moulded you into the person you see in the mirror. Be proud of that person like a child would be of their papa. You know the saying "The child is father of the man." You are the greatest thing you ever did. I realise this. I am proud of what I have done, in what I have botched up, and I will be proud of what I achieve in the future.
As for the Christmas tree, I look forward to chopping it up and enjoying it a bit more warming me up in the fire.
2012 - Day 8 - Freaky Minecraft
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The scray crap are the two lads in the background, not the cute kitten that is about to be blown up! |
I have a passion for Zooey Deschanel. I would watch her in any film and now she has her own television program.. whats it called again? That Girl or something, but 500 Days Of Summer was on and for some reason I was freaked out by it and I did not know why. Then I realised it is the guy that is in 500 Days Of Summer with Zooey... he was in Inception.... and the music of 500 Days and Inception are kinda similiar and both remind me of the mood of the game Minecraft!!! Thats what was freaking me out, I even told Linda that I did not want to keep watching 500 Days cause it was giving me an eerey feeling. That is the effect of the brilliant and strange Minecraft...
Saturday, January 7, 2012
2012 - Day 7 - Sinead O'Connor Hate
It is a kind of therapy I guess, I dislike her so much I have to get it out of my system. I would call her the Moriarty to my Sherlock Holmes but the comparison to Moriarty and O'Connor would be a huge insult to the genius that was Moriarty. One of the reason I hate her so much is because Irish people like her so much.
Why do you all like her!!!!
Did she really say she could only be satisfied by multiple men at the same time!!! WTF people! Do you like to hear that about this lizard!? I was enjoying the radio going into Galway one morning and she and her dolt of a husband to be came on speaking like two twelve year olds "I love her so much" "he's the person for me". Its like when you see people on Facebook putting all the messages to each other saying how much they love each other and they are the only one. You know the message "can't wait to see you again babz", "hurting so much because I have not seen you in 2 minetz". Like Warf said in Star Trek 'empty barrels make the most noise'.
If no one talked about this woman I would be happy. But I guess it human nature to talk about strange and obscene things. I saw a video on youtube about this boy who had a huge, really massive zit on his shoulder of all places. His friends videoed him bursting it and made sure that they got all the horrible festering puss exploding out of it. When I hear her speak - she voice is this puss in my ears, when I see her face - it is this puss in my mind. In a seven degrees of Kevin Bacon kinda way someone who knows someone will read this who knows Sinead O'Connor... show her this article.
2012 - Day 6
Thursday, January 5, 2012
2012 - Day 5
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My new office... no where near an xbox! |
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
2012 - Day 4 - Colin McRae
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Colin McRae - Legend! |
This is what success does to things. Not always, but in alot of cases success turns people and things into tossers. Colin McRae was class, fun, cool. A while later the franchise needed a facelift. It lost the fun element and turned very serious. Thats why also I laughed my ass off when I was looking at my daughter play Dirt 2. She was not taking it really seriously at all, she was crashing into everything, going over the edge of the road, playing it very not correct. And it was hilarious. It brought the fun back.
Colin McRae died in a helicopter crash in 2007. I was sad when he died. It was the end of an era or racing around the same time that I stopped really watching Formula 1.
2012 - Day 3 - Politics
Stalin said that not me. I am after watching, finally, the film about Hitler called Downfall. In it the director and script writers portray a powerful but disillusioned man who lived in his own dynamic reality. Hitler was in my opinion an idiot. But ultimately he came to be known for his career as a politician. Not as a soldier, a politician. In fact, the film says alot about World War II but not that many films point to the fact that the 50 million that died, did so because of politicians.
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Do his eyes look extra evil in this picture? |
But that was world war 2! That was 60 years ago. How are our politicians doing things differently today? What have we learnt? The governments that Ireland have had up to today encourages death, family violence, poverty and ignorance when it sooner gives money to a bank than to a hospital, or sooner gives itself a pay rise rather than providing more money for schools, or builds a stupid motorway instead of providing nursing homes for the elderly. Poverty and homelessness could have been eradicated in Ireland by now. It could have - can you truly say "it was more important to have a motorway from Dublin to Galway that it was to end homelessness in Dublin and Galway".
My point is this... of course we need roads, of course we need banks. I am not a fool, believe me I understand. It is just sometimes I see a film, or read a book about the past and I realize how much we have learnt.
We have learnt nothing.
But we are all to blame, just like the Germans stood by and did not as a whole stand up against Hitler. Of course they did not know how bad the situation was... nor did/do we. Politicians are people - politics is human nature.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
2012 - Day 2
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Ireland - 9:01am |
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Ireland - 9:02am |
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Ireland - 9:03am |
I played a bit more of Modern Warfare 3 today and I kept getting stuck on a level called Dome... now, when I say level, it is a part of the game where you choose a map, Dome, and wave after wave of enemies come after you. Basically, I suck at Modern Warefare :)
Monday, January 2, 2012
2012 - Day 1 - xbox360 and Steve Jobs
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Steve Jobs by Walter Iasscson |
So the first day of the new year eh! I am going to attempt again to have a blog entry a day for the whole of 2012. I hope to get a 100 readers for one of my pages at some time in this year too. To do that I will be writing on purpose about populous issues, such as the title here shows, I am mentioning the 360 and Steve Jobs.
About those two topics actually, I got an xbox360 for christmas. I got Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3 too. However it took me a while to realise why I could not play multiplayer on either of those two games, I should have realised the common denominator! I did not have an xbox Live! account... well to be more specific an xbox Live! Gold account. I should have figured that I would have had to pay for that. But I got it anyway and I have played online and have gotten my ass royally handed to me.
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Ohhh... this is what I got for Christmas! |
So what are my resolutions? Hmm, well fill in this blog for one thing. Also, I want to drop to 15 stone. That is a big ask since I am hovering around 16 stone. So basically loose a whole stone weight. Like, if i were 14 stone and 13 pounds or something I would be happy. Well I would be delighted. But it is going to take a whole change of eating habbit and life style, alot of which I have already begun in 2011 so it is just a matter of buckling down and following though and other saying that having to do with exercise.
I also have to get better at my job. I work in the field of website creation. Basically, become alot better at what I do. Be more reliable.
In fact, that is a big thing. If something has to be done, do I need to do it? If so I should do it as soon as possible - and finish the bloody thing straight away. Again with the follow through. Most of all with most things I need to get my mind in order, I have so many things flying around in my mind it is impossible for me to focus on one thing. That's why I find it hard to finish stuff? Are you like this, do you find it hard to finish things?
Well I better finish this post. See you again tomorrow, and the day after... and the day after etc. etc.
Happy New Year!
The Reality Of The News
There have been a few times where I have clicked on a news article only to realise that I have been hit with a paywall. I don't mean thi...

Today we went into NUI Galway - the University that is in Galway city - because there was a science fair on. The fair was actually really go...
Google+'ers will have seen this before but my goodness... check it out! It is worth looking at...
Friday.... Finished work at 4pm. Got out to Carraroe at 5ish and had dinner, Mom and Dad came up, myself and Linda packed the car. Linda h...