Saturday, September 11, 2010

34 Years Old + 6 Days

Early this morning in vigorous brushing of teeth my daughters tooth fell out!!!! This is good because it was loose for ages (2 weeks). She was not too freaked out about it at all, whilst brushing the tooth seemingly came loose in her mouth and she took it out and held it in her hand and showed it to me and said "I think that my tooth fell out." Btw, the picture left showed the bottom eye tooth where gap is.

So now the tooth fairy will visit.

I was working in the cafe until late and I listened with envy as one of my friends described the computer course that he was starting on. It sounds really cool, the second year students will be doing some of their work on 3D TV's... class.

I noticed that I can add gadgets onto the blog as well actually so I am going to be testing them out over the next while, but I will only have one there at a time, any more than one silly gadget is too much I think. The first one I have up is called Fish, they are meant to follow your mouse cursor, mine do not really seem to do that, do they follow yours?


  1. What is the going rate for teeth with the tooth fairy these days? And yes, the fish do follow my cursor. :)

  2. The going rate for "the tooth fairy" was €5, which can buy you a mini pack of dinosaurs!


The Reality Of The News

There have been a few times where I have clicked on a news article only to realise that I have been hit with a paywall. I don't mean thi...