Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My Religion: Part 1

"Cogito, ergo sum" (English: "I think, therefore I am")

The first and most basic question is when you talk about god, or God, is the following: Does God exist?

Let me address that first. Yes. It is that simple. For you to believe anything other that than the fact that God does exist shows that you are in some way believing in some cartoon reality where the laws of physics are different to our current laws in this universe.

I believe that there is a creator of the universe that we live in. But there is no difference between the creator and the universe. The god I believe in IS the universe. My logic is as follows, we do exist somewhere. In some form. Now according to our logic if something is here, it came from somewhere. As the old latin saying goes "ex nihilo, nihilo est", or "out of nothing comes nothing". See this link for more on this sentence http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ex_nihilo But why do I think that the universe and god is same.

The way I reason it is to say that if god and the universe are different, then what made the god that made our universe? So then another god is "made up" to explain the first god. So then you have the situation where you realise that it is illogical to talk about a number of gods and you have to stop it somewhere. When you stop making up gods is when you accept that we were made by something but that the something is the same as the universe.

Let me explain a few of my terms at this point. By universe I mean the universe we live in, that also includes a possible multiverse and or parallel universes. If you understood what I was saying up to now then it should be pretty clear that I do not think that god is a man, or a woman for that matter. God is not loving, or unloving. Also, nothing can be said of god. Nothing. Nothing becaues the god I am talking about is outside the frame of our logical reference. As my hero philosopher Wittgenstein said "Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent"(click on the link for more information).

A few points come from this that are interesting.
  • All of us are ultimately exactly the same as everything else.
  • All of us are made up of one thing: god.
  • There is no objective "good" or "bad". How could the one thing be good and/or bad at the same time!
So this is it. Cast your eyes away from your monitor. Look around you for a moment. This is your universe. This is your world, your whole existence. There is no heaven, no hell. There is no good or bad. You can do nothing right, you can do no thing wrong. What you perceive as your "life" is currently the molecular and chemical configuration of the collective amount of atomic soup you call <insert readers name here>. There is no afterlife. You were never born nor will you die. You will simply cease to exist in your current form.

And don't worry... you will be missed.


  1. Congratulations let me know when the church is opening, every Irish Catholics dream, to be told there is a god but you dont have to impress him or her or give a damn, dont be good just be..
    oh brilliantly explained theory Ive never heard anyone explain their beliefs on god and the universe with such clarity before.
    from now on I shall refer to you as the chosen one.

  2. I wonder did Jesus have a six pack????


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